· Introduction ·
When we are looking for a partner or company, we often wonder where is the best place to find it, right?
Not only that, but we make the big mistake of searching the internet, where to find him or her and we do not realize that most of the sites before helping, the only thing they want is to promote or sell us some idea that in the end can be a very important decision in our lives.
Do not misunderstand me, it is always good that they give us advice and much better that they point the finger at us and tell us THERE is where you will find it.
In fact, with the intention of helping, we also took on the task of investigating and we will recommend what we consider to be the best for you, but in order to do that, we first have to help you decide what you are really looking for?
· Motivation ·
When we search or ask: where I can find him/her, no one asks us back:
And why do you want him/her?
I know, in many cases it may sound like this question is silly, but the reality is that it is not.
The most important thing when looking for a partner is to be sure that we want it at that moment in our lives.But the reality is that we must ask ourselves:
- We are looking for a husband or a wife?
- We want company and then we see if something else happens?
- We want someone to take nim/her to bed?
- We want someone with money to entertain and spoil us?
I hope not to offend anyone with these questions, in the end the answers is private and they are a reality. Many times we only say that we are looking but to find something that satisfies us we have to be honest with ourselves.
The problem is that many times we do not know what we are looking for right?
or even worse,
We want several things at once,
· What i really want? ·
When we think of having a partner depending on our experiences, many times we imagine that finding it could bring us joy and be a solution to some problem we are going through. The reality is that we are so influenced by the family, the media, the movies and even our friends so many times we believe that at a certain point in our lives, not being with the right person to marry can be a mistake and that each time it goes, is going to be more difficult.
Don’t get me wrong, we are sure that it is important to have a partner who supports you and helps you exploit your full potential as a human being, in fact I recommend you read our article why am I still alone? where you will find why it is important to be with someone and how you can achieve it.
Now, if it’s so important to be with someone and, I shouldn’t let outside things influence me, then…
How do I know what I’m looking for?
Many times they will tell you to close your eyes and imagine what you expect from that person, but most of the time we will think of some past experience or a scene from a movie and that will not help us solve the problem.
So what can we do?
To make this step easier for you, we are going to give you some simple tips:
1. You must be aware that no matter what you seek, you will enter a relationship. It can be a one-night stand or a lifelong one, but in the end it will be a relationship.
2. All our relationships have to contribute something to our personal growth and I mean all of them. Yes, even one night stands. They can help you have more confidence, learn something new or who knows, maybe you were looking for something and found something else.
Since now you know that whatever you are looking for is going to be a relationship that contribute something to you as a person, the question becomes easier. Now the question we must ask ourselves is not what kind of relationship am I looking for, but what need, lack or learning do I want to cover at this time?
3. Just as an example, choose from the following list what catches your attention the most:
- Pleasure
- Self confidence
- Learn something new (doesn’t have to be in bed)
- Loneliness
- Fun
- Laughs
- Confidence
You can also add anything else you can think of to the list if you feel that is what you lack the most in your day to day life
don’t worry, now we will teach you how to use this.

The Hero Instinct
In his book "His Secret Obsession" James Bauer teaches us how to awaken it in the man we want so that he is crazy about us.
· I feel so selfish ·
So the only important thing in a relationship is how I hope to grow.
At what point do we think of the other person feelings and needs. They always tell us that relationships are for two and that if each one sees for himself, the relationship will end badly, right?
This is a big lie, when we approach someone, each one has their own agenda and it would be illogical to think that the person we are going to meet thinks otherwise.
The basis of relationships is always to give the best you can give at all times, regardless of whether it is more or less than yesterday.
Why would we do that?
For love?…
Love is something that is built, but we still have to give our best from the beginning, so, why do we do it?
Simple, because we believe that this way we will get what we are looking for from the other person. And believe me, the other person will do the exact same thing.
So how do we use the previous exercise to really know what we want?
Simple, first you are going to decide which group your wish belongs to. Is it something for one night? Is it something for a year? I only feel like this on weekends?
In short, when you honestly decide what is the need that most requires attention in you, then at that moment ask yourself what is the one thing that I am most willing to give.
If you only seek pleasure, are you willing to give your best to give pleasure?
Once we manage to analyze each one of the options, we will find really easy what it is that we really want.
If what you most want to give to a person is your company so that they do not feel alone, but you think you want to have fun, the reality is that you are the one who is looking for the company and you only hope that the company will be fun.
Ok, and if I already know what I want, what do I do?
· So what's next ·
Next is the fun part.
It’s hunting time…
Remember in this post we are not going to cover the part on how to behave and what to do once we decide who we want or where we are going to look for them. For that I recommend you visit our improve your relationship section where you will find very simple and fun articles for you depending on whether you are a man or a woman.
But to start the hunt we must know our options and strengths.
First we have to decide if we want or are willing to meet someone online or through an app, or, if we prefer that the first meeting be in person.
I recommend that in this case if you want to be as successful as possible, build on your strengths.
- Are you a physically attractive person? let them see you.
- Are you good at talking? Why not better conquer through calls and messages.
- Are you a great dancer or are you an extrovert? again let them see you.
- You get nervous at first but have a lot to offer (money, jokes, experiences, etc.) maybe you should find the opportunity to communicate that before meeting.
In other words we have to always play to our strengths but remember two very important things.
- In the end, all relationships have a physical part, so at some point you will have to see each other in person.
- All conquests in person have better results than those online or in apps. Regardless of whether the intention is a one-night or long-term relationship. The Online options should only be used if:
- You don’t have the confidence to start in person
- You do not consider yourself physically attractive (this goes hand in hand with confidence)
- Or if you really think describing yourself before they meet you is better.
In any case, the important thing is that before you define what you want and how you would like to go for it and then, you start looking for the best options.
· Is Online For Real? ·
Dating applications have come to revolutionize the world for several years now.
In the beginning there were and still are the places where you left your information and your photo and it was as if you created a profile and at the same time you saw the profiles of the other candidates and in that place they made the match before the people met.
The internet and the use of cell phones came to change that.
The mechanism is the same, although many people misuse it, but in the end, in any dating site or app, you are going to create your profile, upload your best photos, put your likes and interests and hope that someone finds what you want and you offer attractive.
Yes, we talk about all the dating sites, including Tinder, Badoo, Zoosk and more.
Many people misunderstand the great advantage that these sites have and it is the possibility of seeing if the person you are looking for is attractive to you from the beginning but sometimes they skip reading the interests of the people. They only see the physical thinking that with that they are guaranteed a physical relationship but do you really think that we are all willing to have a one-night stand just because you are physically attracted to the me?
So it is true that these applications exist and that although many do not use them correctly they may or may not be of use to you, but in the end what we recommend is the following:
You have to create a profile in all the applications and pages that you can.
No, it’s not wrong to sign up for Tinder. In the end there will be a person that is attractive to you and if you match, be sincere in your intentions before meeting them. If after that you have the opportunity to have a relationship, qhy qill you miss that?
Anyway, there are thousands of dating sites, each one has strengths and weaknesses that you will have to get to know, but even if you have no hope because you had not heard of the site, you can create your profile.
Start with those that do not charge you a subscription or those that align with your tastes and beliefs, but the more profiles you have, the more opportunities you will have to find someone to give the opportunity to.
We are recommending dating sites, not sites that are specialized in finding partners to have an affair. All dating sites have good and bad candidates, but on adventure sites you will only find people with that exclusive interest.
We recommend that you start by creating profiles on these sites and see what they offer and the type of people who sign up for them:
- eHarmony
- Match
- SugarDaddie (if you qualified)
- Jdate (if you qualified)
- ChristianCafe (if you qualified)
- ChristianMingle (if you qualified)
- Tinder
- EliteMeetsBeauty
- Badoo
- MyDatingConnection
- And More…
If in the end you think that you are at a point in your life where what you need is an adventure for any personal reason, remember that there are also these sites specifically for that:
But they are not the purpose of this article.
· I'll take my chances in person ·
We always have to applaud when a person knows that their qualities go beyond technology and they want to do things the old-fashioned way, but as we said before, here you will find the most successful cases.
When we want to meet people in person we make the mistake of looking on the internet, where to find him/her. But this is a big mistake.
Ok, maybe not a big mistake because that brought you with us.
But the reality is that most of the pages describe the situation unilaterally, that is, with the exception of us (until today) there are only pages that tell you where to find her or different pages that tell you where to find him, but if you see where I’m going with this point, that’s the most illogical thing in the world.
Let’s see an example…
But first, remember that you are looking for a person who is also interested in finding someone. If you are a man and you go to a Yoga class where there are only women, you will really find many women but those women did not go there to find a partner, right?
I think we’re getting to the point now, so, back to the example. If you enter a page that tells you the 10 best places to meet men and one option is in the hardware store, do you really think that the man who is in the hardware store is looking for a relationship? and at the same time you enter a page where it says which is the best place to find women and an art class appears, I don’t think that women have gone there to look for the same thing right…
All those sites send the same confusing and wrong signal, because they send men to look for women in one place and women to look for men in others, so what happens. you get to art class and all the men there are looking for women but no women there are looking for a relationship, so a lot of competition for zero prey right.
It will sound funny but as a woman you have more chances of finding a man who wants a relationship if you search the internet for places to meet women, because all the men who entered that page and are looking for women will be there.
I hope you have understood my point and I think that now it will become very obvious to you why in the places you have gone normally you can’t find what you are looking.
So where do we need to go?
The truth is I think that if we really want to have a partner we also have to do a little work to feel rewarded, that’s why I’m not going to put here the exact places where you will find couples looking for the same thing as you, but I am going to tell you how to find those places.
Of course you can simply search for the most popular google page that says where to find women IF YOU ARE A WOMAN or where to find men IF YOU ARE MEN and there you will find many people of the opposite sex who searched for the same thing as you. Although you may feel overwhelmed with what you will find. In the end, as I said before, all the sites send this wrong and contrary signal.
So how do I find more common ground?
Simple, in Google or Bing type Where to Meet Single Men in Public and open the first 3 pages that appear and at the same time type Where to Meet Single Women in Public and also open the first three pages.
In a notepad write all the options of each of those 6 pages divided into two columns, one for men and one for women. The places where you see them draw will be where you will have your best chances.
· Final Words ·
As you can see, there are many options and the most important thing is determination.
Of course we can continue using the so called “best method” that is to expand your social circle through your friends and their partners, but you will have many more chances of finding someone ideal for you if you search among so many people who are looking for the same thing and not if you settle for your friend’s boyfriend
Do not believe the stories that there is only one for each person or that you will never find anything if you do not put your things in order and sell yourself better. The reality is that at every moment of our lives there is someone there for us and as we grow, mature or change, our tastes and attractions will change, but there will always be another person waiting for us.
If you want to learn more, check this posts: