· Introduction ·
Reaching your body or fitness goals can be a daunting task. When you’re new to exercise or aren’t sure where to start, it’s easy to understand why it’s hard for us, but what happens when we’ve already had some experience or are at another level.
It is in these moments when it’s most difficult for us to motivate ourselves, sometimes we stop seeing results or improvements but many times this happens because we do not do the right exercise for the physical level we have at that moment.
However, with the right exercise routine tailored to your fitness level, you can reach your goals faster and more efficiently.
In this post, we will discuss the most effective training routines for 5 different fitness levels and how to use them to motivate you and complement your activities and goals.
Related Post: A Great Strategy to Stop Quitting Exercise
· Top 5 ·
Beginner: Full Body Workouts
If you’re new to exercise, full-body workouts are the only place to start.
Many times we get carried away by appearances and we believe that because we only want to grow our butt or enlarge the muscles of our arms, then we should focus on that, but it is the opposite.
When we exercise, regardless of the part of the body that we focus on, our body, which is an impressive machine, will do its best to improve in a balanced way, and if we focus on a single muscle, yes, only that one will grow, but the fat burn, wasting and more will be distributed throughout the body without any benefit.
It is a reality that no matter what they tell you, there is no exercise to lose fat from a specific part of the body. There are exercises to grow specific muscles but when it comes to fat, conditioning, energy consumption and more, the body will always distribute it. If you want to lose fat from one part of the body, the only goal is to lose it from the whole body.
For that reason and more, your workouts should target all the major muscle groups so they can help you build a solid foundation for more advanced routines.
Remember, even athletes who are dedicated to competing in track and field exercise their upper body. They know that you must always aim to improve the whole, not just a part.
Full-body workouts can include exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks. In the end, depending on your goals, you will have different routines and devices, but always look for them to impact all muscle groups.
Note: This does not mean that daily you should focus on all muscles, you can have weekly or even monthly routines, but in the end the focus of the routine is to target the whole body.
Intermediate: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Here the first question that occurs to most people is at what level I am. Many times we believe that because we have been training for a while and we are or have an impressive body and physical condition compared to when we started, then we are already experts and advanced, but the reality is different.
It is not my intention to disappoint you and you are on an excellent path but the reality is that if you have been training for the last 6 months or more around 4 days a week, you already know all the exercises, the correct postures and more, believe it or not that means that you are at an intermediate level.
Remember: The majority of consistent exercisers are in this category.
Below we will mention how to know that you are advanced, but in the end if you exercise in a gym you will realize that there are people whose nutrition, types of exercises, time in the gym, supplements and more are very different from yours.
For those who have been exercising for a while and the changes or results are not as noticeable anymore and feel they need to challenge themselves or increase the exercises in a more aggressive way to feel like they are improving again, in other words for people who are Intermediate level and looking to challenge themselves, High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the next option.
At our base we learned to exercise the body in a holistic way, with different routines and how to apply the training correctly and which ones work for each muscle group.
We probably did some weight training and HIIT exercises along the way and had mixed routines. Now the goal is different.
A dedicated HIIT routine involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise followed by short rest periods where we will not only build cardio but also strength. It’s not my intention that you spend money but a heart if you don’t have a heart rate monitor, independently if it’s a watch a band or whatever, this may be the time to find one. This type of training can help improve cardiovascular health and burn fat, but our goal is to improve muscular endurance that will serve us for the next stage and with the help of technology will be much easier. (but it’s not necessary)
You probably don’t realize it right now, but just as physical condition allows you to do cardio for longer and at a higher intensity, muscular endurance allows you to do more repetitions with heavier weights.
A big mistake that people believe is that just lifting weights is enough, but the reality is that it’s one thing to grow muscle and increase strength with greater weight through the breakdown and reconstruction of muscle fibers that we will explain later, and another thing is increase the number of repetitions we can do. Running faster is not the same as running for longer periods.
Advanced: Weight Training and advance exercises
For those who have been working out consistently for a while and have built up strength and endurance, weight training is a great way to take your fitness to the next level.
The advance group have years of consistent experience working their body and know how to manipulate variables to challenge their training needs and prevent injuries.
Continuing to increase cardiovascular resistance and physical condition is important, but this group already has a space dedicated to this area incorporated into their routine and it is not only immovable but they know they are improving little by little.
Therefore the next obvious step is to lift weights and do advanced exercises that involve not only impacting the muscle but also endurance, flexibility and balance.
Weight training can help build muscle mass and improve overall strength as long as you use the correct equipment. If you have a hard time leaving home you can check options like BowFlex and FlyBird.
The way it works is that when we increase the weight we are carrying, the force and resistance we use microscopically breaks the muscle fibers. When this happens, our body, which as we said is an incredible machine, realizes its weakness and gathers what is necessary to rebuild said fibers but in a larger and more resistant way. That’s the process of increasing the size and strength of a muscle and if you’re wondering, it’s obviously painful and that’s the pain we usually feel a day or two after lifting weights for the first time or increasing weights.
Exercises can include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and more. Just as an example, you might see people doing deadlifts with more weights standing on one leg or even using instruments to raise the weights above what the hands and fingers can support by strapping them to the arms or wrists.
Regardless of the fact that it is important that whenever we exercise we have an adequate diet, if we have not done so, at this time it is necessary that we begin to supplement our diet with proteins and other supplements to avoid injuries and muscle wasting.
Note: It is not that it is necessary to take a protein after exercising but to supplement the 20 gr -25 gr of protein that they normally give you per serving you would have to eat 4 egg whites before, during or after the workout.

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People with knee or back problems, special conditions and older adults: Low-Impact Cardio
It has been shown that exercise is beneficial at any age and in any condition. regardless of whether too much exercise or a poorly done exercise can wear out our joints and end in injury. The reality is that as long as we take care of ourselves and exercise according to our level, we will live longer and more independently.
Many times due to an injury, malformation, some personal matter or because as we get older our body wears out too, we don’t know what exercises we can do and even worse, we believe that we will no longer be able to have the body we want if we don’t do more demanding exercises and this is a lie.
Most people look down on low-impact cardio. They think that they are limited to walking, swimming or riding a bicycle but that is due to lack of knowledge.
All exercises of all levels can be adapted to a low impact option and to our current level as you can check on Fit2be videos.
If even if you fall into this category, this category is also divided into fitness levels and although performing the exercise that corresponds to us in an alternative, low-impact way will slow the results down, they will still be challenging and will help us achieve our goals. goals.
Today almost all training videos regardless of whether they are from You tube or exercise programs like BeachBody, almost all have a low impact option because they know the needs of today’s society.
Weight Loss: Cardiovascular Exercise
Finally, and although this group cannot be considered as a fitness level, there is a large part of the population that is not interested in raising, lowering or maintaining their fitness level and only wants to lose weight and fat.
The wonder of exercise and technology is that there are dedicated exercises for them too.
As with the people in the low-impact group, in this group we will also have various levels of fitness and we should focus on what level we are in to know which exercise will give us the most results, taking into account a small difference.
The trick to burning fat in a sustained manner is to learn the basics of cardio zones.
That’s right, for effective fat burning you necessarily have to be able to monitor your heart rate, since depending on that we can control the intensity to focus on losing weight.
So how do the cardio zones work and which are the most effective for burning fat?
The most effective will be zone 3
Below we are going to give you a small but sufficient summary so that you can understand and apply this concept. If you want more information, we recommend you read this post from Mount Elizabeth Hospitals.
There are many pages that will give you different zones divided into increases of 10 or 15% of your heart rate but they are wrong. It has been proven that the true zones also depend on your physical condition, not only on your age and today they are calculated in a different way and it is known as the Heart Rate Reserve Method (HRR).
The Heart Rate Reserve Method (HRR).
First the zones are the following:
Zone 1
50–63% MHRR
Very Light
Zone 2
64–76% MHRR
Zone 3
(Lactate Threshold)
77–85% MHRR
Zone 4
86–93% MHRR
Zone 5
94–100% MHRR
Very Hard
The Formula
This formula has several steps.
Calculate the Maximum Hart Rate (MHR):
220 – Age = MHR
Calculate Resting Heart Rate (RHR):
Here, if we don’t have a monitor to help us with this step, what we have to do is, being calm and lying down, put our hand on the neck or chest and count how many palpitations we have in 1 minute. It would be best to do it just waking up in the morning.
Subtract MHR – RHR
This value is known as the Heart Rate Reserve HRR.
Now the formula is the following. We are going to multiply the percentage in which we want to be MHRR by the HRR and to the result we add the RHR.
I know it sounds complicated but when we apply it you will see how simple it is. In other words, to be in zone 3, the formula would be:
MHR*77% + RHR = X
MHR*85% + RHR = Y
We want to train where our Heart Rate according to the monitor we use is between X and Y
Here is an example to make it easier to understand:
The Example:
A 35-year-old person with a resting heart rate of 60 bpm wants to exercise in zone 3, which is 77 – 85% of MHR.
Step 1
220 – age in years
That would be: 220 – 35 = 185
So, maximum heart rate = 185 bpm
Step 2
Resting heart rate = 60 bpm
Step 3
MHR – Resting HR
That would be: 185 – 60 = 125
So, heart rate reserve = 125 bpm
Step 4
(HR Reserve x % target intensity) + HR Rest
For 77% MHR, that would be: 125 x 77% = 96
Then, add HR Rest: 96 + 60 = 156 bpm
For 85% MHR, that would be: 125 x 85% = 106
Then, add HR Rest: 106 + 60 = 166 bpm
So, exercising in zone 3, would require that heart rate remains between 156 bpm and 166 bpm.
The best way to achieve this is using a reliable heart rate monitor like Polar.
· Conclusion ·
There is no single approach to fitness. The main thing to find the right approach is to be honest with ourselves, check this fitness level test from BeachBody and commit to the training that will give us the most benefit at this moment in our life.
It’s important to find the right exercise routine that fits your fitness level and your goals.
By incorporating it, you can build strength, improve cardiovascular health, and reach your fitness goals faster.
In the end, the purpose of exercising is independent for each person, but the main results are just as beneficial. Better physical and mental health, live longer and more independently and obviously look and feel better.
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