· Introduction ·
He is mine.
Many times we are sure of this statement and not only that, sometimes we trust ourselves so much that we are not realizing if a separation has begun to be created between us.
Do not misunderstand me, it is horrible to live in fear and we do not want you to question your relationship without justification or believing the lie that we are no longer as we were when we started,
As a relationship matures it is normal to see changes and although many times it’s not as exciting, in the end it fills you much more.
This article is not going to talk about how to attract men in general or what is the reason why I can’t find the right one. Many of the tips that we are going to put here will help you conquer someone in specific, but we recommend that you first read this other post.
Now if you’re still here is it because you’re with someone or you already have someone specific in mind and something in you is generating a doubt about his convictions towards you.
· Motivation ·
He should be thankful that I’m with him…
I am beautiful, hard-working, incredible housewife, affectionate, good in bed, and much more right?
I have heard everything, sometimes our self-esteem blinds us and regardless of the fact that we are all those things and more and we have to be proud and confident of the value we have because of the characteristics we possess, , even so, there is something in us that we cannot explain, but we are not really convinced that he is at our feet.
How is it possible?, he is not going to find anyone more perfect for him right?
The first thing we must understand is that this feeling is not only normal, but it is more common than we think. Still, I apologize because I’m not going to tell you that everything is fine.
You have to trust your gut.
When something just doesn’t feel right. You feel insecure and unsure of yourself, and that’s not typically like you, then, you can be sure that something is not right.
You don’t always have to be the reason why things aren’t the way you want them to be, but…
The only one with the solution is you.
· Can I be sure? ·
When we want to know how a man feels, we should never trust his words.
Men are defined by their actions.
If his actions don’t match his words, it doesn’t mean a man is sending “mix signals”, he’s just trying to convince you of something that isn’t completely true.
Let’s remember that many times men, even to not worry us, avoid telling us the truth and always try to turn it around, but in the end, if his actions do not go hand in hand with his words, we have to assume that something is not right.
Now, right now we could give you all the ways in which you can see if a man is attracted to you or the opposite, we could also give you all the examples that could show you that he is not into you anymore. But our intention with this article is not to make you feel good or bad. Of course, later we will describe some situations and what we should do in those cases, but the reality is that our only objective right now is to tell you not to worry.
We are going to give you the tools you need to get that man back at your feet.
· What do men want? ·
This seems to be the Millon Dollars question, right?
We are used to get on the Internet and believe that what we find in post created with the only intention of selling will give us the answers because they organize it in bullets or come with the title the 11 things that men want or something like that.
The reality is that each man is different and believe that something applies to all is like thinking that there is a website where men will find the answer on how to conquer all women
It even sounds funny when I read it.
So, are we going to live without knowing what they want?
The short answer is yes and no. We cannot generalize all men with a simple list, or worse, grab a concept as vague as support, sex or loyalty and feel that we have already defined men.
There is a direct answer to the question. It is a simple phrase that for each man means something different and what we can do is find a formula in which our actions are accommodated to the man in question.
This means that although nobody is going to write a “What do Men Want?” book that applies to all men, it is relatively simple to write a book on “How to have HIM at your feet”.
Please see that we wrote HIM. It will not work for everyone, only for HIM.
But we don’twant to leave everyone waiting for the true answer to the question what do men want? and the only true answer is…
Feeling irreplaceable… like they’re the only man for the job.

The Hero Instinct
In his book "His Secret Obsession" James Bauer teaches us how to awaken it in the man we want so that he is crazy about us.
· The first steps ·
I always tell that man that he is the only one for me…
And we think that’s enough?
That does not make him feel that he is the only man for the job, since we would first have to define what the job is and on the other hand we would also have to talk to each man and ask them that makes them feel irreplasable.
Then instead of addressing the answer from a female or personal point of view, lets check how our friend James Bauer in his “His Secret Obsession” program describes exactly this point.
Quotting his words:
“Everything he does, he does it in search of feeling irreplaceable.”
From work, hobbies, friends and of course his couple.
No one can awaken this feeling in a man like a woman, and according to our friend the secret is very simple.
You Become A Man’s Obsession, Not by Meeting His Needs of him … But By Revealing Your Own.
In Other Words, It’s Not About Trying To Please Him, It’s About Giving Him A Way To Please You.
Now, for legal reasons we cannot reveal here the entire course of James and if you have opportunity I really recommend you acquire it since it can accelerate many things.
If at this time it does not feel that getting the course is the right move yet, don’t worry we will abound this issue without revealing the secrets that James shares and still help you out. The reality is that it is not a science, it is just a matter of learning to listen to them.
· So, what else can I do? ·
This is the best time to ask: So the only thing a man wants is a woman who depends on him?
Of course No!
Let’s not misunderstand James’s concept.
The man is obsessed with pleasing us, not that we depend on him to exist. They do not want the recessability of being our saviors. Individually, he wants to be sure that no one can please you and make you happier than him.
But, we don’t always have the possibility of giving them this opportunity, right?
Many times he is not even with us or the communication has reached a point where it is difficult to approach and involve them in our true happiness and pleasure.
So what else can we do?
Without forgetting the previous point that is the basis of our article and their motivation, many times we have to focus first on how to be the center of his attention to then be able to give him the gift of an obsession.
I know, it sounds funny to say a gift and obsession in the same phrase, but do not forget it, that is what they want.
So, how are we going to become the center of his attention?
Here is very particular with each situation. But the point is that we will have to learn to read the opportunities that trigger these answers in him and behave in the proper way in each of them.
The easier way to go here is to search for Infatuation Scripts on the Internet. This Post is already long enough so that we can describe all the possible situations in which our behavior will affect the brain of our man in question.
A great author, Clayton Max, once published on his webpage many of these situations and different answers to them, unfortunately his methods became so popular that he decided to write a book and create a program about it and he currently sells it. You can get it here:
In any case, in his book Clayton Max, like many other authors, describes practical cases in which the appropriate answer may or may not be engraved in his mind.
When he wants to go to bed without saying goodbye, when he goes with friends, when he talks about work and so on many other cases and examples that will help you to respond appropriately to each situation. The important thing is that depending on the situation you are able to generate curiosity, insecurities, provocation, in some cases even anger. You have to be able to make him have an expectation of what it would mean to dedicate himself to you and all this is generated in how we respond in those key moments.
· And the Sex? ·
In a mistaken way we have been led to believe that what really motivates men is sex.
Yes, men often prefer more quantity than quality and for them having a sexual relationship can be much less significant than for us.
But the reality in a couple is different.
You can probably come to believe that the reason he is not obsessed with you is sex, and if this is the case then surely:
- You have no sexual confidence
- You think you are unable to please your man
- You don’t know how to act in bed
- Your sex life isn’t satisfying
- You worry your man will leave you
- You come to think that his previous experience overshadows you.
Don’t worry…
I’m here to tell you that none of this is going to make a man obsessed with you or drive him away from you.
Although men want and often need sex, if the reason they are with you is sex, then you are just a pleasure toy for him and the easiest way to figure this out is: how much effort does he really make to satisfy you?
Yes exactly, to you.
What a man wants most during sex with the person he wants to be with is to satisfy her. That gives him maximum satisfaction above orgasm. The male orgasm is quite easy to achieve and they know it, but knowing that they are able to satisfy you, that’s what really turns him on.
So sex is important?
Of course. But the important thing is not that you are good in bed, but that you guide him so that he feels that he is.
· Now he is mine? ·
It depends. If the question is, now he’s obsessed with me and has no eyes for anyone else.
Now am I going to notice the constant effort to please me and make me feel that I am special?
The answer is yes.
Unfortunately there is always a but. As you get your partner’s priority to be you, you should also keep in mind that he has to be your priority.
As he dedicates himself to pleasing you and does not have eyes for anyone else, he will also open up to you and as communication improves you will also have to work on pleasing him in the things that matter to him.
Remember relationships are for two.
· Final Words ·
Finally and to say goodbye I give you the most important advice.
When we want a man and we are sure that we want him and no one else, then that man and his characteristics become the object of our desire. And that makes him 1% of the men on the planet.
No matter his economic level, color, height, complexion, etc., in the end what we want is someone like him.
So, for us to have him and be 100% sure that will always choose be us, we have to become a 1% woman for him.
It has nothing to do with the body, independence, values, etc. The important thing here is that once we have attracted him, we listen to him, we figure out what he expects in a woman and then if he deserves it, be willing and try to be like that for him.
If you want to learn more, check this posts: