· Introduction ·
Breaking up is hard, but what if you want to rekindle the spark with your ex? Whether you’re looking for a casual hookup or hoping for a long-lasting relationship, the approach remains the same.
In this guide, we will give you some tips on how to get your ex girlfriend back and create an opportunity for intimacy.
· Sections ·
The Counterintuitive Approach
The key to getting your ex girlfriend back and possibly getting her into bed is to give the impression that you’re content to be friends, even if deep down you want more.
Incredible true?
It may seem contradictory, but this strategy is very effective in breaking down your barriers, although you must proceed with caution; one misstep can push her further away.
Genuine Acceptance
To convincingly convey that you’re okay with the breakup, you need to be genuinely okay with it.
This means taking time to focus on yourself and your personal growth.
The first step to reach any goal in life is to grow ourselves.
Start by exploring new hobbies, hanging out with friends, and even dating other women.
When your ex sees this transformation, he will start to question your breakup.

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Igniting Her Desire
Women don’t like to be wrong and your transformation will arouse curiosity.
If you send the message that there is a part of you that will always make you an attractive and valued partner that has moved on, she will be intrigued and drawn to you.
Her internal dialogue will go from:
“Why did I break up with him?”
“Why did I let him go?”
And as subtle as this difference sounds, it’s crucial to moving forward.
Expert Advice
Now that you have an idea to get started, we want you to meet the expert behind these methods.
Brad Browning, a world-renowned, published psychologist and relationship expert who has helped thousands of men around the world get their ex-girlfriends back.
Brad’s methods work even if your ex has declared that he never wants to see you again.
In a poll conducted by USA Today, 94% of his cases were successful.
Covert Jealousy
The next point is the covert jealousy technique.
You are going to strategically use other women in your life to make your ex-girlfriend regret her decision to leave.
They don’t have to be girlfriends or conquests, they just have to be women. They can be friends, family, co-workers and more. Seeing yourself surrounded by the feminine energy that she no longer gives you generates a well-studied psychological reaction that will force her to feel displaced.
This powerful tactic can rekindle her interest and curiosity.
The Rekindling Phase
This phase is designed to make her intensely attracted to you in just a few days.
You will make him believe and feel that with you he could feel complete. She can really achieve everything she sets her mind to and exploit her personal and feminine potential to the fullest.
After experiencing this, she will not be able to walk away from you again.
A Word of Caution
Brad’s methods are very effective but can be considered controversial.
Some groups label them “manipulative” and it’s critical to use these techniques responsibly and ethically, focusing on rekindling a genuine connection with your ex.
We know that some people really only take advantage of these techniques for revenge or horniness, but they are much more effective and long lasting if you really want to get her back.
· Conclusion ·
Not only is it possible, but it is certain that you can rekindle a romantic relationship with your ex-girlfriend, even if she seems defiant or has said otherwise.
Although the process sounds long, you must understand that it is designed to be executed as quickly as possible, since the faster it is done, the better the results will be.
Contradictorily, when she most wants to be separated from you is when she works best. In the end, a part of our brain does not distinguish emotions. The more you are in his thoughts, the easier it is to manipulate them, but if you wait too long until you are no longer part of his daily ideas, the process will take much longer because you will have to reconquer that place in his head.
By following Brad Browning’s expert advice and taking the counterintuitive approach, you can create the opportunity for intimacy and potentially win it back.
Remember, it is critical to prioritize a healthy and respectful connection throughout this process.
Get started on your journey to winning back your ex-girlfriend’s heart and igniting the flame of desire by clicking here for Brad Browning’s free video presentation.
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