· Introduction ·
The ketogenic (keto) diet has become a popular option for those looking to lose weight and improve their health.
It promises a focus on rapid fat loss under a very simple concept and adds an innumerable amount of benefits.
They feed your mind with images of delicious dishes that look like they came from a restaurant, which makes it easy to understand why so many people are eager to get on this train.
However, there are some critical truths about the ketogenic diet that often go unspoken that I want you to consider before you begin this journey.
· The basics·
The Basics of the Keto Diet
The Keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb eating plan that aims to put the body into a state of ketosis, meaning the body burns fat for fuel instead of carbohydrates.
Most people believe that with the change they begin to lose fat, but that is not true, like any eating regimen, there must be a caloric deficit for the body to consume its reserves. Otherwise, even though it uses fat as the main source of energy, it will first use the fat we consume before using the body’s fat deposits.
While this approach can be effective for many, it is not without its challenges, limitations, and potential pitfalls.
Recommended Post: Ketosis 101: Is the Ketogenic Diet For You?
· The Truth ·
The Unspoken Truths About the Keto Diet
- Not everyone responds the same way: for some it is a game changer, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Factors such as genetics, metabolic health and medical conditions and more can influence how the body reacts to drastic changes in macronutrients.
- Taking supplements: Eliminating carbohydrates, which are one of the main macronutrients, results in the elimination of many important sources of nutrients, which forces you to take supplements throughout the entire period that you are on a diet (which cannot be indefinite). Fruits, vegetables and whole grains provide essential vitamins and minerals that are difficult to get from other foods without supplementation.
- Sustainability Issues: The strict nature of the Keto diet is unsustainable in the long term. Either way, it is a diet that should not be used when you are at your ideal weight. Forcing your body to produce high amounts of ketones and restricting carbs unnecessarily is like taking preventive medications without experiencing discomfort. Nobody takes a Tylenol if something doesn’t hurt them.
- Side effects: The initial phase is known as the “keto flu”, fatigue, headache, irritability and digestive problems are side effects that everyone has in the first weeks. While these symptoms usually go away, they can represent a significant barrier for some people. Also if you already suffered from any of these conditions, this diet will make it worse and it may take a long time to return to the previous state.
The Importance of Personalization
- Personalized nutritional needs: Each person has unique nutritional needs based on their age, gender, activity level and health status. Although the Keto diet requires you to take supplements, if your diet is personalized, the need for supplements will be less and not only that but if for any eventuality you cannot take them such as trips, shortages, etc. you will not have any problems
- Better adherence: It is easier to follow a diet that suits your tastes and lifestyle, especially when you know that it is a diet with so many negative feelings at the beginning.
- Health Monitoring: Knowing that what you eat is designed and constantly tailored to you helps identify and address any potential nutrient deficiencies or adverse effects early on.
- Optimized Results: Customized Keto plans can optimize helping you lose fat faster and more efficiently in a more sustained and maintainable manner.

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· The How ·
How to Personalize Your Keto Diet
So we have concluded the importance of personalizing your Keto diet to minimize the complications it has and obtain the best results, but then how can we personalize it if we do not have the experience nor do we want to spend millions on medical examinations and hereditary history?
- Don’t do the diet yourself: Currently there are two very convenient and necessary options when it comes to doing a Keto diet. No matter how much you have read and found on the internet, that should only serve as a guide when making modifications or adapting your diet to a specific circumstance, but the reality is that if you are going to do the Keto diet the options are:
- Consult a professional: a nutritionist who is an expert in Keto diets (The best option)
- Use a platform or application. (preferably one with a free trial and that gives you the option to personalize and enter your personal data and tastes)
The decision of which of the two options should be based only on your budget. If you can afford a personalized nutritionist that is always the first option, otherwise we recommend a personalized platform. You can contact us if you want us to send you our recommendations.
- Monitor your progress: It is important to get an app or always have it on hand to take notes, since monitoring progress on the Keto diet is not just about weight and measurements. You have to see how you feel, your energy levels, mood and more throughout the day and keep a weekly check to be able to make specific adjustments. As simple as knowing which days you felt better or worse and what you specifically ate on that day can help you.
Food List: We have to do a little work here. It is very important that we make a list of foods that we like and then organize it by the most nutritious foods in order. We may like chicken and salmon but that does not mean they are equivalent when it comes to diet. If you follow step 1 this is much easier with outside help, but otherwise. Before you start, download a list of Keto foods, identify all the ones you like and then organize them in order from most nutritious to least. This is a bit of a hassle at the beginning of the diet since you will probably have to Google each of these foods but in the end they make a big difference throughout the diet. (remember the issue of supplementation)
- Flexibility: Being one of the most difficult diets to maintain at first, it is important that you follow the previous steps as they will give you the vision of how to be flexible when facing circumstances. We will not always be able to eat the most nutritious food, at the time we want and in the quantities we are looking for. Knowing the alternatives and being willing to use them will help you a lot when it comes to maintaining and creating a healthy habit.
· Conclusion ·
The Keto diet, like others, is accompanied by important benefits, but it is not a universal solution for everyone.
The truth is that customization is critical to success.
Remember, the best diet is one that you can maintain long-term and that supports your overall health and well-being.
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